Over the years I have done the biggest parts of my trips to Asia. Recently travel took me to India, China, Japan, Tibet and Bhutan. Myanmar, where I was a long time ago is an all-time favorite. This album was shot on slidefilm in 1995. Laos and Vietnam were also quite special 20 years ago. I do not care much for the more touristy countries in the region, except for a beach holiday in between traveling. China and India are my favorites at the moment. Both countries are huge, populous, modernizing, but in some ways still traditional and immensely varied. I have spend over two and a half year in Asia the past decades and hope to spend much more time on this continent in the future.



Bhutan is definitely one of the lesser-known countries in this world. It is also one of the least visited, since the Bhutanese government tries to limit tourism while getting the most out of it.

Bhutan - Fire Puja at Jakar

Bhutan - Fire Puja at Jakar

While traveling you sometimes get an unexpected treat. In Bhutan the state religion, Tibetan Buddhism, plays an important role in both the daily live of the people and the experience of the visitor



Loaded with history, both ancient and recent, colorful and quite lively Cambodia makes for an interesting place to visit. Yes it has Ankor Wat of course. And Phnom Penh with the killing Fields. Bu



China is a country as diverse as a continent. There is the coastal area, the vast developing mainstream China. With it's preserved heritage combined with newly build heritage such as old towns buil



Of course there are tribes and populations that seem to be further away from our way of living, but none has such a complex and different historical, architectural, cultural and visual richness as

Japan - Mount Koya to Fukuoka

Japan - Mount Koya to Fukuoka

Japan is not the first country people think of when talking about visiting Asia. It has a reputation for being expensive for starters. People getting pushed into crowded subways is another image th

Japan - Tokio to Kyoto

Japan - Tokio to Kyoto

Tokio, Kyoto and the places in between and around them form a trip on its own. You have modern city life mixed with ancient temples, near empty forests and traditional rural towns as Tsumago and Ma



Wedged in by the much richer (thirty times) neighboring country Thailand and the much more densely populated (ten times) neighboring country Vietnam, Laos maintains its own character. The lightness



Myanmar is one of those countries that have it all. Colonial architecture, one of the most impressive monuments in the world: the 110 meter high golden sphere of the Shweddagon, old English hill st



A country I keep visiting, a lot of the times as a base for visits elswhere. Since I have been visiting before I had decent photo Tools you'll find mainly off the beaten track destinations as that